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Delphi Developers' HandbookChapter 15: Other Delphi ExtensionsCopyright Marco Cantu' 1997Handling Delphi NotificationsOur first VCS displayed the project information form we previously used in the Project Wizard, with only a couple of minor changes. We updated this project window each time the user changed the project, simply because the VCS interface notifies us of a project change without telling us what happened. To make the program more powerful�and to introduce another Delphi feature�let�s explore how we can handle Delphi file notifications via an add-in notifier object. (This add-in notifier interface is available in any situation where you have access to the global ToolServices object. Therefore, you can respond to Delphi notifications in a VCS, a wizard, a component or property editor, and so on.) To install an add-in notifier object in Delphi you use the following ToolServices method: function AddNotifier(AddInNotifier: TIAddInNotifier): Boolean; virtual; stdcall; abstract; The TIAddInNotifier class (the type of the first parameter) is quite simple, since it declares only one method you should override: type TIAddInNotifier = class(TInterface) public procedure FileNotification(NotifyCode: TFileNotification; const FileName: string; var Cancel: Boolean); virtual; stdcall; abstract; procedure EventNotification(NotifyCode: TEventNotification; var Cancel: Boolean); virtual; stdcall; abstract; end;Whenever a file operation occurs, Delphi will call the FileNotification method. In the body of this method, you can access the filename and a notification code, as well as a Boolean reference parameter that you can use to cancel the operation causing the notification. By examining the list of notification codes, you�ll immediately recognize when Delphi might send a notification to the object: TFileNotification = (fnFileOpening, fnFileOpened, fnFileClosing, fnProjectOpening, fnProjectOpened, fnProjectClosing, fnAddedToProject, fnRemovedFromProject, fnDefaultDesktopLoad, fnDefaultDesktopSave, fnProjectDesktopLoad, fnprojectDesktopSave);When you compile the project, Delphi will call the EventNotification method twice, once before the compilation and once when it�s done, as indicated by the TEventNotification enumeration type: TEventNotification = (enBeforeCompile, enAfterCompile);Using the first of these methods, we�ll improve our project view a little, and build the capabilities into our next example, named VcsPrj2. First, we want to add an ImageList component to the form to display icons that indicate the status of the project files. In particular, we want to indicate whether a file is open or closed. After preparing some bitmaps, we�ve assigned them using the ImageList component editor. The next step is to link the images in the ImageList component to the TreeView component�s StateImages property. We�ve defined the following constants to make it easier to associate various states with the corresponding image in the list: const stOpen = 1; stClosed = 2; stNode = 4;These constants are part of the form unit�s interface, so we�ll be able to use them in other units of the program. Using these constants and the methods we�ve discussed so far, we can now rewrite the form�s UpdateAll method, set the open or closed images for the units and forms, and then display the node image for the first level nodes: procedure TPrjInfoForm.UpdateTree; var I, nTot: Integer; ChildNode: TTreeNode; FileName: string; begin if ToolServices.GetProjectName = '' then Caption := 'Project VCS' else begin Caption := 'Project VCS - ' + ExtractFileName (ToolServices.GetProjectName); with TreeView1.Items do begin Clear; BeginUpdate; // add units UnitsNode := AddChild (nil, 'Units'); UnitsNode.StateIndex := stNode; nTot := ToolServices.GetUnitCount; for I := 0 to nTot - 1 do begin FileName := ToolServices.GetUnitName (I); ChildNode := AddChild (UnitsNode, FileName); if ToolServices.IsFileOpen (FileName) then ChildNode.StateIndex := stOpen else ChildNode.StateIndex := stClosed; end; // add forms FormsNode := AddChild (nil, 'Forms'); FormsNode.StateIndex := stNode; nTot := ToolServices.GetFormCount; for I := 0 to nTot - 1 do begin FileName := ToolServices.GetFormName (I); ChildNode := AddChild (FormsNode, FileName); if ToolServices.IsFileOpen (FileName) then ChildNode.StateIndex := stOpen else ChildNode.StateIndex := stClosed; end; EndUpdate; end; TreeView1.FullExpand; end; end; Instead of calling this method whenever the project changes (which is fairly often), we want Delphi to do so only when we need to update the project�s status. To accomplish this we must declare a new add-in notification class (and a corresponding global variable): type TDDHPrjNotifier = class(TIAddInNotifier) public procedure FileNotification(NotifyCode: TFileNotification; const FileName: string; var Cancel: Boolean); override; procedure EventNotification(NotifyCode: TEventNotification; var Cancel: Boolean); override; end; var PrjNotif: TDDHPrjNotifier;As you might guess, when Delphi creates and installs a version control system DLL, it then also creates and installs the PrjNotif object. The two new statements appear in the middle of the function: function VCSInit (VCSInterface: TIToolServices): TIVCSClient; stdcall; begin Result := nil; try ToolServices := VCSInterface; Application.Handle := ToolServices.GetParentHandle; PrjNotif := TDDHPrjNotifier.Create; ToolServices.AddNotifier (PrjNotif); PrjInfoForm := TPrjInfoForm.Create (Application); Result := TDdhProjectVcs.Create; except ToolServices.RaiseException(ReleaseException); end; end;Delphi later removes and destroys the form and the notification object along with the VCS object: destructor TDdhProjectVcsTDDHDemoVCS.Destroy; begin PrjInfoForm.Free; ToolServices.RemoveNotifier (PrjNotif); PrjNotif.Free; end;The most interesting part of this class is the method that responds to notification commands, the FileNotification method: procedure TDDHPrjNotifier.FileNotification ( NotifyCode: TFileNotification; const FileName: string; var Cancel: Boolean); var Node: TTreeNode; begin try case NotifyCode of fnFileOpened: begin // set the proper icon Node := PrjInfoForm.FindNode (FileName); if Node <> nil then Node.StateIndex := stOpen; end; fnFileClosing: begin // set the proper icon Node := PrjInfoForm.FindNode (FileName); if Node <> nil then Node.StateIndex := stClosed; end; fnProjectOpened: PrjInfoForm.UpdateTree; fnProjectClosing: begin // empty and repaint the tree PrjInfoForm.TreeView1.Items.Clear; PrjInfoForm.TreeView1.Repaint; end; fnAddedToProject: PrjInfoForm.UpdateTree; fnRemovedFromProject: PrjInfoForm.UpdateTree; end; except ToolServices.RaiseException(ReleaseException); end; end;The two events we handle in a specific way are opening and closing files. However, it�s important for us to see if the node is currently in the TreeView, since the user might be opening or closing a file unrelated to the project. We accomplish this by calling the FindNode function we added to the form class. This function simply scans the TreeView component for the requested item: function TPrjInfoForm.FindNode (Text: string): TTreeNode; var I: Integer; begin Result := nil; for I := 0 to TreeView1.Items.Count - 1 do if TreeView1.Items [I].Text = Text then begin Result := TreeView1.Items [I]; Exit; end; end;To make this form work well as a VCS wizard, we�ve made one more change: When the user selects a file, we confirm that it exists (on disk) before we try to activate it.
If the file doesn�t exist, we display an error message prompting the user to create the new files, instead of the standard Delphi dialog box. (In Delphi 2, we simply display an error message.) Here is the code: procedure TPrjInfoForm.TreeView1DblClick(Sender: TObject); begin if (TreeView1.Selected.Level = 1) and ( (TreeView1.Selected.Parent.Text = 'Units') or (TreeView1.Selected.Parent.Text = 'Forms')) then begin if FileExists (TreeView1.Selected.Text) then ToolServices.OpenFile (TreeView1.Selected.Text) else MessageDlg ('The physical file still doesn''t exist', mtError, [mbOK], 0); end; end; The effect of this code is that our demo version control system now displays different bitmaps to show the user if a file is open or closed. You can see an example of the output in Figure 15.5. Figure 15.5: The form of the VcsDemo2 example shows bitmaps to indicate the status of the various files, and keeps track of the operations of the user.![]() You�ll notice that in this example you can simply double-click on a closed file (or close one that is open) to see its icon change, without having to refresh the whole tree. However, if you save a file with a new name, you�ll have to close and reopen the window to refresh the status of the project, something we�ll fix in the next (and last) version of the program. Module Interfaces and Module NotificationsThe file notifications we handled in the last example refer to the files of a project. Unfortunately, Delphi doesn�t notify us for each and every action that takes place. For example, we don�t know when the user has modified or saved a file. As you can imagine, this is something that might be helpful if you build a robust and powerful version control system, or if you create advanced Delphi wizards. The ToolServices global object defines a couple of methods we haven�t used yet: GetModuleInterface and GetFormModuleInterface. These two functions accept a filename parameter and return a TIModuleInterface object. This class is the interface to the Delphi editor and the form designer. In the EditIntf unit of the ToolsAPI, you can find the following declaration of the TIModuleInterface class: type TIModuleInterface = class(TInterface) public function GetEditorInterface: TIEditorInterface; virtual; stdcall; abstract; function GetFormInterface: TIFormInterface; virtual; stdcall; abstract; function GetAncestorModule: TIModuleInterface; virtual; stdcall; abstract; function GetProjectResource: TIResourceFile; virtual; stdcall; abstract; function IsProjectModule: Boolean; virtual; stdcall; abstract; function Close: Boolean; virtual; stdcall; abstract; function Save(ForceSave: Boolean): Boolean; virtual; stdcall; abstract; function Rename(const NewName: string): Boolean; virtual; stdcall; abstract; function GetFileSystem(var FileSystem: string): Boolean; virtual; stdcall; abstract; function SetFileSystem(const FileSystem: string): Boolean; virtual; stdcall; abstract; function ShowSource: Boolean; virtual; stdcall; abstract; function ShowForm: Boolean; virtual; stdcall; abstract; function AddNotifier(AModuleNotifier: TIModuleNotifier): Boolean; virtual; stdcall; abstract; function RemoveNotifier(AModuleNotifier: TIModuleNotifier): Boolean; virtual; stdcall; abstract; end;You can find a complete description of each of these methods in the source code itself. In brief, the most useful functions give you the ability to interact with several elements of the IDE. For instance, you can access the edit buffer (GetEditorInterface), and then manipulate its contents. You can access the form designer (GetFormInterface), and then manipulate the form or its components and their properties. You can access the project�s resource file (GetProjectResource), and then perform some action such as closing, saving, renaming, or displaying the file. In each case above, the methods return an interface, which may return further interfaces such as a TIEditWriter (used to modify a source code file) or TIComponentInterface object. You can use the latter interface to interact with an existing component, examine its list of its properties and their values, and even change the property values by name. Using the last two methods of the TIModuleInterface class, you can also install a specific notifier for the module. The TIModuleNotify interface declares a Notify method you should override, as well as a ComponentRenamed method. Here is a list of the notifications: TNotifyCode = (ncModuleDeleted, ncModuleRenamed, ncEditorModified, ncFormModified, ncEditorSelected, ncFormSelected, ncBeforeSave, ncAfterSave, ncFormSaving, ncProjResModified); Unfortunately, using these capabilities to their full extent would require very complex examples. (However, if you�re interested in pursuing these topics, the Project Explorer demo wizard included in Delphi uses many of these techniques.) Saving Author InformationWe�ve decided to improve our VCS demo only slightly, but (we hope) enough to give you an idea of what you can do in a VCS. Our aim is to use the source code files to store some of the version control information. Our technique won�t prevent programmers from editing this data, but it will demonstrate how closely an add-in tool can be integrated with Delphi. Along the way, we�ll address a bug in the previous example that relates to the Save As operation. To respond to file save notifications, we basically need to create a distinct module notifier object for every file the user opens. This is an important thing to understand, since the module notifications don�t pass the associated filename as a parameter. Therefore, we�ll need to store this information in each notifier object. In addition, we need to install the module notifier into a module interface, and keep the interface object alive as long as the notifier object is active. More important, we need to destroy the module interface object when Delphi destroys the notifier. To deal with these two issues, we can write a module notifier class that includes the filename of the current object and the module interface: type TDDHModNotif = class (TIModuleNotifier) private FileName: string; ModIntf: TIModuleInterface; public constructor Create (FileN: string; ModInterface: TIModuleInterface); destructor Destroy; override; procedure Notify(NotifyCode: TNotifyCode); override; procedure ComponentRenamed(ComponentHandle: Pointer; const OldName, NewName: string); override; end;Before we examine the code of this function, we should discuss how the VCS manages these objects. In fact, we need to make several changes to the VCS class in order to add a new menu item (to let the user choose whether to save the VCS data in the source code files). This VCS adds a couple of new fields and methods: type TDdhProjectVcs = class (TIVCSClient) private // store the name in each file? StoreAuthor: Boolean; // list of installed module notifiers: NotifList: TStrings; public constructor Create; function GetIDString: string; override; procedure ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer); override; function GetMenuName: string; override; function GetVerb(Index: Integer): string; override; function GetVerbCount: Integer; override; function GetVerbState(Index: Integer): Word; override; procedure ProjectChange; override; destructor Destroy; override; // custom methods used to add/remove a module notifier procedure InstallNotifier (FileName: string); procedure RemoveNotifier (FileName: string); end;If everything works correctly, you should never see the destructor�s error message. However, in case of an error some notifier objects might remain in memory when the destructor is called, and we prefer to leave this debug check in the code as a sort of warning tool. Failing to destroy a notifier causes a memory leak inside Delphi, but it shouldn�t cause any other side effects. The NotifList object manages notifiers using two methods, InstallNotifier and RemoveNotifier. To install a notifier, the program retrieves a module interface for the file, creates the notifier object (using the module interface filename and the module interface object as parameters), adds the notifier to the module interface, and then adds the object and the filename to the list: procedure TDdhProjectVcs.InstallNotifier (FileName: string); var ModIntf: TIModuleInterface; Notif: TDDHModNotif; begin // get the module interface ModIntf := ToolServices.GetModuleInterface (FileName); if ModIntf <> nil then begin // create the module notifier Notif := TDDHModNotif.Create (FileName, ModIntf); // install the notifier ModIntf.AddNotifier (Notif); // add the notifier to the list NotifList.AddObject (FileName, Notif); end; end; procedure TDdhProjectVcs.RemoveNotifier (FileName: string); var ItemNo: Integer; begin // checks if the notifier is in the list ItemNo := NotifList.IndexOf (FileName); if ItemNo >= 0 then begin // destroy the notifier TDDHModNotif (NotifList.Objects [ItemNo]).Free; // remove the corresponding list item NotifList.Delete (ItemNo); end; end; You�ll notice that the method above removes the notifier but doesn�t uninstall it. This is OK because the module notifier�s destructor eliminates its connection to the module interface, and then releases the module interface as well. We�ll see this code later on. Now let�s consider some of the changes to the VCS object that relate to the menu items. Here are the updated versions of the four verb methods that relate to counting, showing, and executing the code for the VCS menu items. These methods should be easy to understand without extensive discussion: function TDdhProjectVcs.GetVerbCount: Integer; begin Result := 4; end; function TDdhProjectVcs.GetVerb(Index: Integer): string; begin case Index of 0: Result := '&Project Information...'; 1: Result := '&Store Author on Save'; 2: Result := ''; // separator 3: Result := '&About DDH Project VCS...'; end; end; procedure TDdhProjectVcs.ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer); begin case Index of 0: try PrjInfoForm.UpdateTree; PrjInfoForm.Show; except ToolServices.RaiseException(ReleaseException); end; 1: // toggle the flag StoreAuthor := not StoreAuthor; 3: // about box MessageDlg ('DDH Project Version Control System'#13#13 + 'From the "Delphi Developer''s Handbook"'#13 + 'by Marco Cantù and Tim Gooch', mtInformation, [mbOK], 0); end; end; function TDdhProjectVcs.GetVerbState(Index: Integer): Word; begin Result := vsEnabled; // default try case Index of 0: // disable first item if no project is active if ToolServices.GetProjectName = '' then Result := 0; 1: // check the second item when appropriate if StoreAuthor then Result := vsEnabled + vsChecked; //3: always enabled: nothing to do end; except ToolServices.RaiseException(ReleaseException); end; end;In the GetVerbState method, notice how we handle the check mark for the Store Author menu item. As we mentioned before, the vsEnabled and vsChecked identifiers are integer constants�not enumerated values. We had to make another set of changes in the TDDHPrjNotifier class�s FileNotification method, because this class creates and removes the module notifiers when the user opens or closes a file. In reality, for the fnFileOpened notification we�ve added just few lines of code to register a notifier only if the file is a Pascal source file (that it, if it has a .pas extension). In addition, we�ll create the notifier when the user adds a new unit to the project. Here is the new code (not the complete listing) for these two branches of the FileNotification method�s case statement: fnFileOpened: if ExtractFileExt (FileName) = '.pas' then DdhPrjVcs.InstallNotifier (FileName); fnAddedToProject: if ExtractFileExt (FileName) = '.pas' then DdhPrjVcs.InstallNotifier (FileName);Of course, we�ll remove the notifier when the user closes the file. The RemoveNotifier method checks whether the corresponding notifier actually existed: fnFileClosing: if ExtractFileExt (FileName) = '.pas' then DdhPrjVcs.RemoveNotifier (FileName) fnRemovedFromProject: if ExtractFileExt (FileName) = '.pas' then DdhPrjVcs.RemoveNotifier (FileName);Now that we know how the rest of the program (the VCS object and the project notifier) interacts with the module notifier class, we can finally examine its methods. The constructor of the module notifier class is quite simple, since it simply stores its parameters: constructor TDDHModNotif.Create (FileN: string; ModInterface: TIModuleInterface); begin inherited Create; // store the parameters FileName := FileN; ModIntf := ModInterface; Modified := False; end;The destructor simply disconnects the notifier from the module interface, and then releases the module interface object: destructor TDDHModNotif.Destroy; begin // remove the module notifier ModIntf.RemoveNotifier (self); // release the interface ModIntf.Release; inherited Destroy; end;If you like, you can add a call to Beep (or SysUtils.Beep) inside this method to confirm that Delphi actually executes this code. Of course, this class�s key method is Notify. As we�ve already mentioned, this method receives only a notification code, but we know which file and module interface object the notification object refers to because we�ve stored them inside the object. Since the code for this method is quite complex, we�ve divided it into smaller and more understandable pieces (dividing the local variable declarations, as well). The simplest code responds to the ncEditorModified notification: procedure TDDHModNotif.Notify (NotifyCode: TNotifyCode); begin case NotifyCode of ncEditorModified: // set the modified flag Modified := True;By setting this flag, we avoid adding user information to a file when the user saves it without making any changes. This is one of the checks we do when the ncBeforeSave notification arrives: var WriIntf: TIEditWriter; ReadIntf: TIEditReader; EditIntf: TIEditorInterface; FirstLine, UserName, NewFirstLine: string; NameSize, FirstLineLen: Integer; begin ... ncBeforeSave: // if the file has changed // and the StoreAuthor flag is set if Modified and DdhPrjVcs.StoreAuthor then begin // get the module editor interface EditIntf := ModIntf.GetEditorInterface; if EditIntf <> nil then try // create a reader object ReadIntf := EditIntf.CreateReader; if ReadIntf <> nil then try SetLength (FirstLine, 100); ReadIntf.GetText (0, PChar(FirstLine), Length (FirstLine)); finally // release the interface ReadIntf.Release; end; // define the output string // with user name, date, and time NameSize := 100; SetLength (UserName, 100); GetUserName (PChar (UserName), NameSize); UserName := PChar (UserName); // length fix NewFirstLine := '// Updated by ' + UserName + ', ' + DateTimeToStr (Now) + #13; WriIntf := EditIntf.CreateWriter; if WriIntf <> nil then try // check if user and day have not changed if StrLComp (PChar(FirstLine), PChar(NewFirstLine), NameSize + 22) = 0 then begin // get the length of the first line FirstLineLen := Pos (#13, FirstLine) + 1; // remove the current first line WriIntf.DeleteTo (FirstLineLen); end; // insert the new string WriIntf.Insert (PChar (NewFirstLine)); // release the interface WriIntf.Release; // reset the modified flag Modified := False; finally // release the interface WriIntf.Release; end; finally // release the interface EditIntf.Release; end; end;The core of this method is at the point where we create the reader and then the writer object by calling the editor interface�s CreateReader and CreateWriter methods (we obtain the editor interface from the module interface). Once this is done, you can either access the current text or insert new text. These are the definitions of the reader and the writer interfaces: type TIEditReader = class(TInterface) public function GetText(Position: Longint; Buffer: PChar; Count: Longint): Longint; virtual; stdcall; abstract; end; TIEditWriter = class(TInterface) public function CopyTo(Pos: Longint): Boolean; virtual; stdcall; abstract; function DeleteTo(Pos: Longint): Boolean; virtual; stdcall; abstract; function Insert(Text: PChar): Boolean; virtual; stdcall; abstract; function Position: Longint; virtual; stdcall; abstract; function GetCurrentPos: TCharPos; virtual; stdcall; abstract; property CurrentPos: TCharPos read GetCurrentPos; end;
However, before writing the text our VCS determines whether the first part of the string (holding the user name and the date) has changed. If it hasn�t changed, we remove the first line before inserting the new one, to avoid an output like the following: // Updated by Marco, 11/11/97 5:52:54 PM // Updated by Marco, 11/11/97 5:55:54 PM // Updated by Marco, 11/11/97 5:58:54 PM In other words, if the same user saves a file twice in a day, we�ll record only the last operation. Of course, this is just a matter of how we wrote this program: since you have the source code, you can easily modify this rule to work the way you prefer. As we�ve stated before, you need to remember to release all the interfaces you allocate. When you do this, it�s important to call Release and not Free because (in theory) it�s possible for two interface objects to refer to the same element. If you call Release, it reduces the reference count, and frees the object only when the reference count reaches zero. It�s also better to release the interfaces inside a finally block, to avoid a memory leak should an exception occur. The rest of the module notifier�s Notify method is much simpler. When the user renames a module (by selecting the Save As menu command), we must first to update the project view. Not handling the effect of renaming a unit was actually a bug of the previous versions of our VCS. The strange thing is that even if you handle Delphi project notifications, Delphi will completely ignore the Save As operation. This is only a file-level notification, not a project-level one. Once we�ve refreshed the project view, we remove the current notifier (which now refers to a file that doesn�t exist any more) and install a new notifier for the new file. However, since we don�t know the new name of the file, the only technique we�ve found is to scan all the project files and install a notifier for each Pascal file that doesn�t already have one: var FileN: string; I: Integer; begin ... ncModuleRenamed: begin // update the project view PrjInfoForm.UpdateTree; // remove the notifier for the old file DemoVCS.RemoveNotifier (FileName); // looks for the new file name // and installs a new notifier for it begin FileN := ToolServices.GetUnitName (I); if (ToolServices.IsFileOpen (FileN)) and (ExtractFileExt (FileName) = '.pas') and (DemoVCS.NotifList.IndexOf (FileN) < 0) then DemoVCS.InstallNotifier (FileN); end; end; The last branch of the Notify method�s case statement handles the module removal: ncModuleDeleted: // unregister and remove the notifier DemoVCS.RemoveNotifier (FileName);You�ll recall that we also declared an implementation of the ComponentRenamed method in the notifier object class. We don�t really need to implement this method, but we decided to do so anyway (just in case Delphi calls it). This is just a do-nothing method: procedure TDDHModNotif.ComponentRenamed( ComponentHandle: Pointer; const OldName, NewName: string); begin // do nothing end;As a result of all this effort, the Store Author option of the VCS system (something you might turn on by default in the VCS constructor) adds the author�s name to each source file (along with the date and time) whenever the user modifies or saves the file. You can see the result of this option in Figure 15.6. Of course, a real VCS system should also store the changes to the file and not just the fact that something has changed. However, this example was meant to illustrate some integration techniques, and not to build a professional version control tool. Figure 15.6: The new menu item of the Demo VCS, and its effect: adding author and time of each edit to a file in the source code itself.![]()
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